Rutendo Heart Children’s Home

by Tinashe Kaseke

  • $61,800.00

    Funding Goal
  • $0.00

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Gweru, Zimbabwe

Tinashe Kaseke

204 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

Rutendo Heart for children was established in 2011 by the sisters of the Child Jesus of the Roman Catholic Church with the aim of caring for the orphans and vulnerable children in Midlands Province of Zimbabwe. Rutendo Heart For Children’s Home is registered with Social Welfare under Section 31 of the Children’s Act Amended in 2001(Chapter 5.06) Reg No: SW/10/26. Rutendo Heart For Children’s Home is situated at No 6843 Mkoba 11 Gweru and the 2 Housing units that are completed so far has the capacity of 20 children. That is 10 in each unit. The 3rd unit is yet to be constructed if funds permit. The home is still in the process of sourcing funds to build the 3rd house. Currently there are 15 children at the home, 9 girls and 6 boys. 7 are at Primary Level, 7 at Secondary Level and 1 at Tertiary Level.